Saturday, 15 March 2008

iDAT 206 - Target Audience

"I can't be bothered to go and cook/make 3 meals a day. With such a busy day ahead of me for every day of the week, it is so much easier to just walk out of the office and into Starbucks where I can order a coffee and a panini for lunch and then get some take-out Chinese on the way home. I don't care about breakfast, I'm not awake enough to notice anyway!"

Mary, 28 - London

"Everyday I do try and make the effort to make some food to take to work, but my bed is just too comfy to bother getting out of it until I have the bear minimum of time left before I need to be out of the door in the morning. I don't bother taking lunch with me to work as I just go down the pub with my workmates or skip lunch altogether."

John, 27 - Bristol

These people that I have heard back from about their lifestyles prove that it is simply a time-based problem that prevents them from having a healthy lifestyle. My site is designed to take away this issue by suggesting sensible recipes to cater for their bodies' needs without having to take their much-needed time away from them.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

iDAT 202 - The latest UI character prototypes..

iDAT 206 - Change of Plan!

Although I came up with good enough reason to have an HTML site, I have opted instead for using a flash-based site. The reasons for this, is because I can make a much better themed site and attract my target audience with ease with Flash whereas with HTML, every element of the site would need a lot more work in order to make it thematic.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

iDAT 202 - Page 1...

Here is a first look at our title screen for our game, with the wand as a cursor included.
Check out the link below:

Page 1

iDAT 202 - Wand Cursor..

James has come up with the good idea of changing the mouse cursor during the game to a wand..he's found the code on the net that does the job..


iDAT 202 - Latest UI Character..

Here is the latest Harry model that I've made in Flash..for some reason the pink colour for the face is not what it looked like on a mac on a PC...hmmm..

latest prototype

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

iDAT 202 - Logo for the game..Final(ish!!)

So here is best version so far..

iDAT 202 - Logo for the game..

We have come to the idea of calling the game "Harry Potter and the Mathematical Quest". Thanks to the internet, we have acquired the font that the original Harry Potter titles were in so we could adapt it to our own. So here is the first version..

Monday, 10 March 2008

3rd Year Project...

This is my first entry regarding my 3rd year project. Obviously I am going to endeavour in doing something that has not been done before, but I will initially start with something very general and work my way down to something more specific.
All I know, is that its gonna be a film and its gonna involve surfing...only time will tell!
Until then, I wait in much anticipation to see the 3rd year project open day this thursday. Let's hope that it being on my birthday will bring me some enlightenment on what I am going to do!!

Sunday, 9 March 2008

iDAT 202 - Storyline & Questions..

At each step, these questions will be asked:

Level 1

Fat Lady: “Code Please, harry”

Harry: “Uh, oh”

Fat Lady: “Ill give you a clue”

“Todays Code is the answer to this question”

4 x 8 + 2 x 4 = ?

A - 40

B - 80

C - 160

D - 32

Level 2

Mr Filch: “What are you doing out of bed Mr Potter?”

Harry’s thoughts: “Quick i need to find a different route.”

Harry can either walk quietly 1 way for 1000 meters OR Run another way for 2500. Harry runs at 10Km/h and walks at 6Km/h.

Which way is faster?

Walking - it takes 10 minuets to walk 1000m and 15 minuets to run 2500m.

Level 3

Harry: “oh no! Snapes Guarding the door!”

Ron: “Quick Harry, mix the vanishing potion to get past him.”

You need 500ml of the potion to make you invisible.

You will need 2/5 of Beetle Eyes

1/5 of Flux Weed

2/5 of Rats Spleen

How many ml of Rat Spleen will you need?

A - 75ml

B - 50ml

C - 100ml

D - 200ml

Level 4

Shhh Harry fluffy is sleeping.

Harry you must play the harp to keep fluffy sleeping.

The harp has 100 notes.

70% of the notes must be played twice.

10% of the notes must be played three times.

20 % of the notes must be played once.

How many notes must be played in total?

A - 200

B - 190

C - 140

D - 150

Level 5

Voldermort: “So harry, we meet again.”

Harry: “Give me the philosopher’s Stone!”

Voldermort: “NEVER!!!”

Harry you must cast the Expulso Spell.

You need to cast the spell with your wand at the correct angle.

To work out the angle solve the problem.

(2×4+3×9) + 10

A - 32 degrees

B - 54 degrees

C - 90 degrees

D - 45 degrees

Monday, 3 March 2008

iDAT 202 - Storyboard for the game..

This is a rough sketch of the sequence of events that will occur when the user starts up the application. The user will be asked questions (in English that is easy to understand for that specific year group) and the level of difficulty will increase after each of them.

Page 1 - This is simply the introduction page where you can click
either to start the game or to read the instructions

Page 2 - Character Selection

Page 3 - This is the first part of the game..the character - in this case Harry -
has to work out a maths problem in order to work out the code to get
through the door from his house - Gryffindor.

Page 4 - The character then has to work out another problem in order to work
out a better route in order to avoid getting caught by Mr Filch and his cat.

Page 5 - The character then has to work out a maths sum in order
to make enough potion to make him/herself invisible in order to get
past Prof. Snape who is guarding the door.

Page 6 - The problem this time is for the character to work out how
many notes in total is required to play in order for the 3-headed dog to fall asleep.

Page 7 - The Final Challenge...In order to beat Lord Voldemort,
the character has to once again work out another maths-based

Page 8 - Should the user manage to finish the whole game,
this will be the page that will appear.

Should the user answer a question wrong, this is the slide that will appear.