Saturday, 15 March 2008

iDAT 206 - Target Audience

"I can't be bothered to go and cook/make 3 meals a day. With such a busy day ahead of me for every day of the week, it is so much easier to just walk out of the office and into Starbucks where I can order a coffee and a panini for lunch and then get some take-out Chinese on the way home. I don't care about breakfast, I'm not awake enough to notice anyway!"

Mary, 28 - London

"Everyday I do try and make the effort to make some food to take to work, but my bed is just too comfy to bother getting out of it until I have the bear minimum of time left before I need to be out of the door in the morning. I don't bother taking lunch with me to work as I just go down the pub with my workmates or skip lunch altogether."

John, 27 - Bristol

These people that I have heard back from about their lifestyles prove that it is simply a time-based problem that prevents them from having a healthy lifestyle. My site is designed to take away this issue by suggesting sensible recipes to cater for their bodies' needs without having to take their much-needed time away from them.

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