Monday, 25 February 2008

iDAT 206 - Slow Food..

We have been given the brief for this piece of coursework that requires us to use new media in order to explain "Slow Food";

"The project you device should address an identified need and operate within a broader community, it should critically address production and distribution issues raised in the lecture/tutorial sessions, such as open source and social networks. This may sound vague but all will be made clear in the lectures/tutorials."

My idea is to make a community-based website to encourage "on-the-go-pro's" (Professional people that are on the go all the time) to try and maintain a balanced diet no matter how busy they are. This will involve recipes for them to follow that do not require much cooking or preparation time, a forum for everyone to share ideas and perhaps an area where they can submit their own recipes so they can be shared.

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